Is It Safe To Take Viagra (Sildenafil) Every Day?
Many men have already tried and proved that Viagra is a decent and safe drug that does its job properly. If Viagra is taken under medical surveillance and with a diligent regard of all the precautions, it brings only benefit. However, many men may find themselves dependent on the durable and beneficial effect that Viagra gives every day, and they may gradually increase their dosage or start taking the pill too often. So, how often is “too often” really?
Viagra is firmly established in our lives, and has taken a worthy place among the therapeutic products that improve the quality of life. The drug Viagra was developed specifically as a therapeutic agent to reduce the tension of blood. Scientists had noticed a side effect that turned to advantage – a positive effect on erection – men suffering from ED marked the improvement of their males’ health. Unfortunately, Viagra does not cure erectile dysfunction. And, because healing does not occur, erectile dysfunction patients are forced to take Viagra as much as they need to lead a normal sexual life.
It has been proven that the drug called Viagra begins its active effect approximately within thirty minutes after the pill is taken. As for the duration of the desired effect, it is in compliance with all regulations, and is of approximately 4-5 hours. But it is possible to achieve an erection right after 30 minutes after administration only on condition of intense sexual arousal. We should remind you that if you use Viagra with fatty foods, then you will need a little longer to obtain the desired effect, because such food slows the absorption of the active substance in the blood. It is said that the waiting time may increase up to an hour or two, which may be even heartbreaking in matters of love.
Due to this prolonged effect, it is not recommended that you use more than 1 pill a day. Even if it does not cause you any significant health problems, it may result in the manifestation of nasty side effects which it will take you 1-2 days to eliminate. So do not exceed the daily limit of 1 pill. This means, of course, that you should not take more than 100mg a day, depending on your initial dose and the desired effect. If you did take a pill of, say, 50mg and have not experienced an erection you wanted, take another 50mg, which does not exceed the recommended daily dose. Taking this into account, you may take the Viagra pill for as long as you desire. Taking Viagra on a daily basis is relatively safe, because, since Viagra is an original drug developed by Brand Company, it has been tested and proven safe in the course of extensive research and clinical trials. Thus, its side effects are minimal.
Men sometimes have specific phobias regarding Viagra and other erectile dysfunction pills. Firstly, they are afraid that this sexual stimulant will harm their health, and, secondly, that their body may get hooked on the drug and it will no longer be able to obtain or maintain an erection on its own. In fact, such fears are unfounded, because for more than fifteen years of its existence Viagra has been repeatedly exposed to the drug research and tests on a large number of patients with erectile dysfunction. Clinically proven tests have shown that long-term use of Viagra is no longer a danger to the body. It has been proven to be safe for the nervous system and the genitourinary system, and in particular to the penis.
In addition, the use of Viagra as a drug to improve erection during a regular period of more than three years, qualitatively changes the potency. That is, Viagra may treat symptomatic impotence and it is involved in therapeutic treatment. To some extent, even being a sexual stimulant, Viagra may work as a sedative. Many men have experienced the situation when one bad experience provokes an ever increasing fear of future failure, and a man instantly gets demotivated. Very quickly, a man gets obsessed with his fear, developing a sense of insecurity in his own abilities and capabilities. A regular use of the drug helps a patient to be successful in the intimate sphere. Once again, we want to assure all men that even the long and frequent reception of Viagra can have absolutely no negative impact on their body.
Read also about Viagra and Generic Viagra – Number One Pill for Erectile Dysfunction:
Viagra info on Drugs.Com –
Viagra (Sildenafil) by –
You should not take Viagra every day if you do not intend to have sex every day. Viagra does not have a cumulative effect, which means that the active substance is not accumulated in the tissues of your penis if you take Viagra daily. Thus, you will not have better erections just because you have accumulated more Sildenafil in your body. Viagra just does not work that way. So take a pill only on those days on which you intend to have a sexual intercourse.
Taking Viagra every day may also lead to the psychological dependence on the drug. It has nothing to do with the chemical ingredients of the drug, but goes down to the fact that taking Viagra can cause you to have more self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Thus, you may be pushed to take it even if sexual intercourse is not on the table. A man taking Viagra can feel himself more of a man if he knows he can perform well in bed, even if he doesn’t have to. Make sure that taking Viagra or any other erection-helping pill is only connected with sexual performance on that particular occasion in your head, and does not make part of your self-esteem. Otherwise, you may need help of a psychologist.
Research was Created by Canadian Health&Care Mall Company –
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Could you please specify how much Viagra can you take in a day?
I am not sure as for the dosage. I mean, I get it all about one day / one pill, but if, say, I split a pill of Viagra 50 mg or Viagra 100 mg in two? Does that still count as one pill, or is it two pills?