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  • Who Is a Typical Viagra User?

    Scientists have developed a new medicine for increase of blood flow to cardiac muscle and decrease of arterial blood pressure. Anyway, the expected result was not achieved. But it was discovered that this drug provided a considerable blood supply to male sexual organs resulting in improved erectile functioning. This medication acquired the brand name “Viagra”.  So, how may a typical man suffering from ED be defined? Generally, this is a person with overweight which is in fact a symptom indicating the onset of a cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes. He spends more time watching TV, smoking cigarettes and misusing alcohol. Nevertheless, erectile dysfunction goes far beyond these characteristics.


    According to the research studies results, Viagra may also be useful for the patients suffering from:

    • Psychogenic erectile disorders;
    • Diabetes;
    • Atherosclerotic vascular disease;
    • Injuries of nerves going to penis blood vessels;
    • Spinal cord injuries and other accompanying clinical states;

    Moreover, it may be used by people taking a number of medicines. Viagra takes its action when a man has a sexual desire and after sexual intercourse it returns its relaxed condition. In other words, this medicine influences only natural mechanisms of erection occurrence. Pharmacological effect of Viagra is based on the capacity of its active substance, sildenafil to inhibit (detain) phosphodiesterase type 5 participating in relaxation of unstriated muscles of internal body parts and penis blood vessels. It improves blood circulation in pelvic area and makes erection maximally prolonged and steady. Sildenafil in its turn enhances vasodilatory effect of nitrogen oxide released while sexual stimulation.

    Unfortunately, all types of erectile dysfunction cannot be treated by means of Viagra. In all circumstances a person should consult a specialist before taking any medications.

    Viagra Effect on a Healthy Person

    In case erection is normal, a man shouldn’t wait for a stronger one, but possibly Viagra may influence the reduction or prolongation of sexual intercourse. But is there any sense to take a medicine? For other reasons, it may be useful in case a person has unsteady erection due to lack of energy, overstressing or agitation. Viagra may serve as securing. But still you should be aware of the fact that disorderly Viagra intake may lead to impotency, since it is a medicine, but not a toy. Medicines for erectile dysfunction are prescribed only in cases when a patient suffers from vascular diseases, diabetes side-effects of some medicines, spinal cord injuries, age-related changes or psychogenic disorders. Those who suffer from impotency will be treated with Viagra with no avail. The reason is that the tablets enhance penis physical characteristics, provide natural response on excitement which is impossible without additional sexual stimulation. It means that Viagra influences only potency, but cannot affect sexual drive.

    Is Viagra Addictive?

    Viagra doesn’t cause dependence. With the course of time patients who took Viagra regularly and frequently, might notice reduction of effect during the intake. It may be explained not by dependence, but by progression of the main disease such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis which lead to erectile dysfunctions.

    Can Women Be Potential Viagra Users?


    Sexual dysfunction of women was acknowledged as a disease not so long. But in the same way as it is with men, women sexual dysfunction may become an indicator of cardio-vascular disorders or diabetes. Medical experts from British company, renowned Viagra manufacturer tried to adapt this drug to women for sexual issues treatment. Their research studies have shown that pink Viagra restores sensitivity of erotogenic zones especially during post-menopause. Anyway, the effect occurred not near 100% of cases. As a result, the developments were stopped. Leading pharmaceutical companies reported numerous times of the elaboration of new medicines for sexual excitement boost for women based on sexual male hormone, testosterone. But no one appeared on the market. The fact is that physiological reactions of female organism are much more sophisticated than of the male ones. Women’s perception of sex largely depends on psychological and physiological factors.

    In case of female impotency, medication therapy may not be enough. Female sexuality depends on many problems and is connected with both psychic and somatic disorders. As a rule, it changes after labor or surgeries. The disorders come out in a form of sleep disorders, pain syndrome during coitus, etc. A research study in 19 countries has demonstrated that sexual dysfunction in women appears as three times as more often than in men. Women start feeling attraction disorders, excitement issues, lack of lubrication, decrease of orgasm and sensitivity resulting in pains and tortures during sexual intercourse. Formally, sex is possible but factually – it isn’t. This pain syndrome occurs even more often than in case of vaginism, but this condition is obscure and difficult to cure.

    When Should We Be Careful?

    We all have heard about Viagra. But very few of us know about its side-effects and serious consequences of uncontrolled intake.

    • Men should take care while taking Viagra if they are going to control mechanisms afterwards. Sometimes a man may have temporary color perception change with prevailing of blue colors. With this in mind the authority of one of the American airline companies have prohibited using Viagra to their pilots at least one hour before the flight.
    • People suffering from severe cardio-vascular diseases, such as cardiac failure, cardiac angina, disturbed cerebral circulation cannot use Viagra. These patients need constant medical attendance. Sexual intercourse may become a serious physical activity for a person with cardiac issues. This should be borne in mind if you come across such symptoms as cardiodynia during physical activities and/or at rest, memory and mental capacity impairment for the last couple of months. Those who had heart or apoplectic attack in medical history should take this question seriously. It means they must consult a doctor in regards to Viagra intake.
    • Some men shouldn’t take Viagra, since it participates in biochemical processes connected with nitrogen oxide metabolism. The drug may interact with other medicines containing nitrates which are used for cardiac disorders treatment. Therefore, each man who uses nitrates in any form must not take Viagra under any circumstances.
    • Patients who underwent priapism should take Viagra with care. Although nowadays no cases of priapism were reported on the top of Viagra intake, its intake should be controlled by a specialist.

    Possible Side-Effects

    • Headache (16%)
    • Sudden redness of face and neck (11%)
    • Absence of sense of smell (6%) and redness in nasal cavity (4%)

    These undesired effects are temporary, weakly or moderately pronounced and don’t require treatment cessation. All in all, Viagra may be prescribed for both long-term and episodic treatment of erectile dysfunction with taking into account all precautionary measures.

    Are There Any Other Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction?

    There are many other ways to cure erectile dysfunction and they are not new:

    • Vacuum erectors,
    • Specialized rubber rings placed on penis base;
    • Intra-cavernous injections;
    • Introduction of medicine into urinary tract;
    • Surgeries for restoration of blood supply and penis prosthesis.

    The afore-mentioned methods may be combined.

    How to Avoid Impotency?

    How to Avoid ImpotencyEven if it cannot be avoided, the probability of its occurrence may be decreased considerably. Live a healthy lifestyle.

    It consists of:

    • right dietary regime, excluding fat food, alcohol and especially beer.
    • giving up smoking.
    • exclusion of uncontrolled sexual behavior.
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