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  • Viagra Ousts Rhino Horn Powder ED Medicine in the East

    The outbursts of social anger have been heard over the course of last 5 years since the opening of the first official auction for Rhino Heads. Perceived primarily as a form of a trophy for a prolific hunter, this product has been on the radars of both governments and black market buyers. While people were bidding for getting those heads and horns, thieves across the globe literally created complex heists to steal Rhino Heads from museums.

    While some people may be confused as to why this is such an expensive and “liquid” commodity nowadays, experts are concerned with so many myths about rhino horns. Myths that may become the main reason of the situation when one of the world’s most known species are near extinction.


    The Many Faces of a Rhino Head

    One of the biggest issues with people in the East is that unconventional medicine is often based on myths that are far from truth, but carry a really heavy load of placebo effect on people. Rhino horn is not just an interesting decorative element that can be a part of your interior.

    This is a very in-demand drug for many Vietnamese and Chinese men who consider this drug a panacea for a multitude of health issues including:

    • Cancer and even benign malformations;
    • Problems with stomach and kidney;
    • Erectile dysfunction and lack of libido.

    The latter is one of the most important factors that drive the price of Rhino horn powder to a mind-boggling $100 thousand per kilo. This makes a single horn from a full-grown large animal cost up to $300 thousand. You should not be surprised at why people are constructing complex heist plans to get those rhino heads after reading how overpriced they are in Vietnam and China where people still believe that a powder mix of calcium and potassium can fix your erectile dysfunction.

    Oriental medicine has a variety of usages for this expensive powdered medicine and many eastern healers believe that you can drink the elixir to treat a multitude of health issues. This I like a youth elixir for men. It makes your heart stronger, it treats your prostate and nocturia, and it also helps you to be a sex monster. With strong believers being a huge part of the eastern society, the success of unconventional “medics” has always been something mystical for western people.

    Many buyers on Rhino horn auctions are actually people from China and Vietnam. Many are black market dealers and some are healers who want to make a prestigious purchase and attract better clientele. They need this marketing move since their sales are plummeting due to a strong competitor who has recently entered the market – Brand Viagra. While there were generic versions of the drug in all SEA markets, there has never been a huge pharmaceutical corporation like American company to truly invest in marketing and try competing against traditional Chinese medicine.

    Rhino horn is a luxury and it costs a lot. At the same time, results of the treatment are rarely notable which is more than understandable considering the fact that horns are made of primarily calcium and other mostly inactive ingredients that do not affect the body at all. This is why more and more people started to use the powder only to treat sexual dysfunctions and erectile dysfunctions which are quite frequently caused by simple things like anxiety and stress. The placebo effect helps a lot. However, it does not help when a problem is actually physiological and there are problems with the blood flow.

    Rhino horn cannot help with such cases while Sildenafil Citrate (Generic Viagra, see product overview) is a drug from the PDE5 inhibitor group. These compounds are designed to relieve angina and arterial hypertension meaning that these are vasodilators and allow for a better blood flow relaxing smooth muscles of the arteries to make erection easier to achieve and maintain. When generic Viagra entered the market, Rhino horns had to move aside and free some space for the new king of the hill.

    Pfizer’s Optimistic Reports

    This corporation is more than popular mostly for introducing Viagra to the market in 1998 and making it its flagman drug for a decade. As new competition arrived to their primary markets of the US and Western Europe, the company started to look more and more warmly at Eastern markets where they had lesser competition and better prospects for aggressive marketing. In 2013, their global patent expired allowing hundreds of generic drugs to enter the market and plummet Brand Viagra sales.

    This was a problem for the company in the West, but China has been a completely different story becoming the only truly bright spot in the financial report of the pharmaceutical monster. The American company joyfully reported that their sales increased by a staggering 47% in 2016 compared to the previous year. This massive growth was due to an even more aggressive marketing. Despite losing the global race to Eli Lilly that pushes its own PDE5 inhibitor based drug Cialis to the top of the industrial food chain, American company comfortably controls over 62% of the Chinese market.

    Brand Viagra has a lot of fans in Chinese and Vietnamese communities mostly due to the fact that the company relies on local advertising and using local pharmacies as huge advertising hubs trying to sell the drug to people who are shopping for drugs in their neighborhoods. Judging by numbers, this method works wonderfully. This also has another important effect that makes Generic Viagra a very important part of modern Chinese medicine.

    The word of mouth is the most effective advertisement in the world. When people hear about recommendations for a certain product from someone who they deeply trust, they will go and purchase the product for themselves. When a former Rhino horn user says to his friend that he successfully got rid of erectile dysfunction by switching from the calcium powder to Viagra, his friend believes and also start thinking about not purchasing those 10grams of rhino horn powder for $3000 and buy a relatively cheap Brand Viagra instead or spend literally cents on generic drugs.

    Another important factor is internal migration of the population. This is very interesting and vaguely impactful factor that many do not even think about. You see, rural population starts slowly moving to big cities meaning that unconventional medicine that strives in villages and small towns loses its clientele while urban clinics and pharmacies gain clientele. Experts from American company expects over 70 million new customers just due to natural urbanization of the country within the next decade. This is also the reason why Rhino horn black market specialists expect a drop of prices during the same period of time.


    Note that China and Vietnam are some of the most voracious consumers of aphrodisiacs and ED drugs with up to 28% of male population in dire need of proper treatment. Taking care of your health is something inherent to Asian culture but talking about your intimate issues can be quite problematic and many still rely on their local healers who will keep their mouths shut about the problems of their clients. At the same time, you can easily say that you buy rhino horn for your migraine or kidney while chugging the elixir hoping for a stronger boner at night.

    The size of market is already astronomical compared to West. Simultaneously, it has an enormous potential for growth. This means that Viagra and Cialis are more than ready to occupy even bigger shares of Eastern market and completely shutting down unconventional medicine in big cities.

    The Help from Activists

    You won’t believe it but even in China where it is culturally quite normal to kill animals to create questionable medicines millions are protesting against completely annihilating species which exactly what happens to rhinos right now. Many noticed that advertising actually working drugs and talking to their friends about the merits of modern medicine is a great way to reduce the amount of active clients of local healers who are selling parts of rapidly disappearing animals.

    If you want to stop your local rhino horn dealer from ripping off your friends, you just tell them about Generic Viagra and how it helps millions all over the world while costing much lesser compared to expensive magical elixirs. The amount of active advertisers who do not want their friends to dump tons of money on ineffective meds or to protect animals from being slaughtered for a small amount of aphrodisiac keeps growing.

    China and Vietnam not only become more and more urbanized with each year, many SEA countries also improve in another important area – education. The lack of literation is one of the biggest obstacles in front of modern medicine. More educated young people means that the black market of horns and bones slowly loses its customers naturally and we are moving towards the right direction with determination. Interestingly, that truly effective drugs with high success rate like Generic Viagra are our main weapons in this warfare between unconventional medicine and protectors of wild life.

    A couple of decades ago we would not believe that a pharmaceutical company accidentally helped dying species by being successful. As Brand Viagra marches through the market and climbs the rankings of bestselling drugs in China and decimates sales of rhino horns, more and more poachers consider changing their careers to something less harmful. While we can only hope that the amount of rhino horns consumed by hungry for aphrodisiac Chinese men will dwindle down eventually, there are other species at stake and Viagra may help to save them.

    We Can Change

    Generic Viagra is a literal life saver for many Rhinos, but there are more animals that being mercilessly hunted down. Hedgehog’s testicles are good for erection just as sea turtle eggs. Sea turtles are in danger and we must try to save them as well. Hopefully, more Generic Viagra will dominate Asian markets. Mother Nature needs it to happen. The Canadian Health&Care Mall Group www.acanadianhealthcaremall.com.

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