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  • Viagra and ED Brought On By Antidepressants

    Most people know the incredible effects of Viagra. This is a very famous product, which is of great popularity in all world markets. Even those people, who have never used it, heard how great it is. Viagra was initiated by famous the British Company to treat problems with ED. ED or erectile dysfunction is a serious disease of men, which leads to impotence. Viagra is capable to solve this acute problem.

    Nevertheless, there are some other properties of this miracle medication. It is capable to help while such ailments as enlarged prostate, pulmonary hypertension or spreading of malaria. This list is even longer, because scientists believe that it can treat some other health complications. One of such is curing of ED that was caused by the administration of antidepressants.


    The usage of different anti-depression cures may stand between you and your lover. It is known that depression is one of mental reasons for the development of erectile dysfunction. The usage of anti-depressive medications helps with this problem. Notwithstanding, there are multiple reports when the usage of this category of remedies leads to impotence.

    The grade of affection is different for every case. A lot depends on the personal health characteristics of the patients, severity of the disease, type of the remedy and other factors. Many antidepressants may lead to impotence. They lower sexual drive and decrease the levels of nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is a specific chemical, which is produced by human organism and which is responsible for the enhancement of blood streaming throughout all systems. Of course, it also regulates the blood inflows to the pelvic organs. It is necessary to stress that not all antidepressants develop ED. Nevertheless, at least half of all men who use these remedies suffer from problems with erection. Therefore, you should obligatory consult your physician to be sure that your antidepressant does not influence the possibility for erection.

    Harmful Influence of Antidepressants

    Multiple studies prove that the influence of preparations that treat depression and other psychiatric disorders impairs erectile functions. From 35 to 50% who have definite grade of depression suffer from problems with erection. In addition, antidepressants negatively affect erection. From 30 to 40% of men with ED say that they suffer from delayed orgasms or even their full absence. 20% report sufficient lowering of libido levels and 10% report about impaired erectile functioning due to the implementation of treatments against different types of depression.

    The main problems are within alterations of natural chemicals. They are also known as neurotransmitters. The scholars associate changes in levels of some neurotransmitters with ED. Overly high or too low amounts of this or that chemical inevitably lead to problems with erection. Unstable levels develop multiple adverse effects and some diseases. This all decreases sexual drive.

    The adverse effects and other diseases differ for each case. Consequently, your supervisor has to track all negative manifestations and find the reason for their occurrence.

    Common adverse effects are:

    • nausea;
    • enhanced appetite and enormous weight gain;
    • increased weakness;
    • drowsiness;
    • violated sleep regimen;
    • dryness in the mouth;
    • troubled vision;
    • constipation;
    • dizziness;
    • enhanced agitation and aggressiveness;
    • anxiety disorder.

    Loss of normal sexual desire and other sexual difficulties are also among common adverse effects of antidepressants. Men lose interest to sex, their libido levels decrease and they do not feel real pleasure from sexual activity.

    It is possible to switch to some other remedies. Notwithstanding, Bradley N. Gaynes, MD, MPH, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, says that there is no certainty in effectuality for such step. Probably, the examinees will still have the same symptoms when using another psychic stimulant.

    Fortunately, the physician tells that there are some medical options, which can help in this case.

    Medication Options

    Following different rules and implementing definite therapies may help to prevent ED while taking antidepressants. You have to understand that some of them may not be effective for you. However, they give good chances to treat your ailments. Here is a table of ways to conquer symptoms of such treatment.

    Take patienceUnder condition you feel violated erectile functioning soon after your antidepressant was appointed, you should wait a bit. Quite possible that this is a transient response of your organism to novel substances inside. Probably, the complications will withdraw within short terms.
    Lower dosageIn case, the sexual adverse reactions are continuous, you should try the decrease of your dosage. Of course, you have to ask the permission of your supervisor, as this may not allow treating your mental problem.
    Sex scheduleIn some occasions, examinees feel troubled erection only in definite periods of time. Accordingly, it would be reasonable to undergo sexual intercourse in another time when erectile functions are in norm.
    Change of remediesIt is necessary to consult a specialist concerning negative influence of antidepressants upon erectile functioning. Some of the remedies have lesser affection and you can switch to safer one. Nevertheless, you have to do this carefully, because it can negatively interact with Viagra.
    Usage of ED treatmentsDefinitely, one of the best ways out is to administrate a specially designed preparation, which conquers problems with ED. One of such is Viagra (Sildenafil). It can help to remove negative effects of psychic stimulant. The clinical studies prove that 55% of men experience improvement of their erection soon after usage of Viagra compared only to 4% in placebo group.
    PsychotherapyOf course, another way out is psychotherapy. In such occasion, the possibility of successful treatment of depression and other mental deviations significantly increases. Some succeed when having therapy and taking pills. In the meanwhile, for the other ones it is enough to visit a psychologist to overcome all problems.

    The Assistance of Viagra

    Definite psychiatric ailments and remedies that cure them impair proper sexual functioning. It is worth saying that erection and mental problems are tightly connected. Due to constant stress, nervous tensions, depression and something of the kind there appear problems with erection. It has direct negative influence upon the capability to receive erection. Nevertheless, problems with erection also lead to mental instability and various ailments. Accordingly, the usage of treatments that cure both diseases seems to be quite reasonable.

    As antidepressants may induce impotence, one should undertake appropriate measures. Of course, discontinuation of these cures will not help to overcome mental problems. In such occasion, experts widely implement cures that treat ED. Of course, Viagra stands in the first place among them.

    One of multiple researches was also aimed at finding the possibility for improvement of life quality with the help of Viagra. After many trials, the scientists reported that there were detected no positive changes in life quality. Nonetheless, Viagra fulfills its initial task and successfully treats problems with erection that were caused by antidepressants.

    It is known that not only men, but also women may have lowered sexual drive. Therefore, the novel study involved 102 participants of both genders. They were given from 50 to 100 mg of Sildenafil (the main ingredient of the remedy).

    After a year of treatment, there were no positive changes in the quality of life, but the increase of sexual drive and interest was obvious. This was confirmed by Christina M. Dording, MD, from the Depression Clinical and Research Program at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The physician and her colleagues conducted this study and they have reached definite results.

    Further Studies

    The further researches involved 2239 patients. The studies showed that 50% of all participants were also taking anti-depressive medications. The participants told that this ailment strongly affected their mood, self-esteem and of course, personal relations with their partners. In addition, this condition led to lowered self-confidence, which induced problems at work and while social interaction.

    The whole program of combination of stimulants and Sildenafil included 4 successive steps. Almost all patients felt positive changes with their reproductive system. The drug improved the quality of sexual intercourse, increased libido levels, maintained sensuality while sexual activity and practically removed any complications. Depending on individual cases, they were given from 50 to 100 mg per day for a year. These results prove once again that Viagra is capable to help in different cases under various health complications.

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