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  • Treatment Through Gymnastic Exercises

    The exercise is used for adjusting the front part of the brain.

    II exercise. This exercise is like the first one, but the left arm is raised up under an angle of 45° from the shoulder level and the right one is to be let down under the same angle, at which you squat six times.

    During that exercise, focus your mind on the heart. The exercise serves for regulation of the emotions.

    III exercise. Bring both arms back, palms facing each other, and row forward, at which squat 6 times.

    During that exercise, focus your mind on the spine. The exercise serves for regulation of the spine.

    IV exercise. Raise the left arm up and forward to the east, and the right one downward, rotation of the body around the waist and swimming by arms. This exercise is also repeated 6 times.

    While doing this exercise, focus your mind on the stomach. It regulates the stomach.

    V exercise. Put your hands on your waist. Balance the body on the left leg, and the right leg is to be slightly raised to the right side, slowly forming a semi- cir-circle with it from left to right – 6 times. After that balance on the right leg and do the same with the left leg – again for six times.

    During that exercise, focus your mind on the nervous system. It serves for regulation of the nervous system.

    VI exercise. Raise both arms up and away from the sides of your body at the level of the shoulders and slowly raise up until fingers of both hands touch above your head. Lift the body on the toes and from this position slowly squat, at which arms are to be put back along your body. This exercise is to be done 6 times, too. It is a finish of the first five exercises. It is called a magnetic undressing and dressing: downwards – undressing, upwards – dressing.

    Note: These exercises shall be done once a day. If they are done in the morning, it would be wonderful, at noon – nice, and in the evening – well. These exercises should be done very slowly and correctly, with well stretched arms and legs, if you want good results. Arm movement is for the development of the heart and chest. Concentration of the mind strengthens the mind. The execution of all exercises strengthens the will.

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    These exercises are one of the best occult exercises. However, take care they not to become like a loop for you, but benefit of them. Consider that you have known them once, and now you remember them.

    I will give you now the following exercise with the pronunciation of the vowels “a” and “o”. Put the palm of your left hand over the right one and bring it in this way to your shoulder. Then put your right hand over your left one and bring it again to the shoulder. Do this exercise for 10 days, every evening, before going to bed: 6 times with the left hand and 6 times with right one, by taking turns: left hand, right hand, etc. Start with the left hand.

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