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  • The Best Viagra Alternatives at Canadian Pharmacy Mall

    Canadian Pharmacy Mall https://www.acanadianhealthcaremall.com offers more than you can imagine. Many newcomers ask our experts about the chemical free alternatives for curing episodic and rare outbursts of erectile dysfunction. The talk is about natural supplements capable to replace Viagra’s effects – at least partially. Do not expect miracles that only Viagra can offer but if you are strict to all-natural medicine then CHCM can satisfy your customer needs as well. We introduce to you 3 independent from big pharmaceutical corporations supplements that can actually replace Sildenafil and similar PDE5 inhibitors usually assigned for treating a specific sexual disorder – erectile dysfunction. These ingredients are maca grass, yohimbine and kava pepper. Let’s disclose their main features.


    MacaImprove your sex life is capable of poppy grass that grows in the Andes, it is used in food and is known famous for its healing properties. Incidentally, it is useful to those who want to acquire offspring – the grass is able to not only increase libido but also increase sperm count. Scientists estimate that only 3 grams of maca per day can arouse sexual desire. Sometimes Maca for its properties is called Peruvian ginseng. Maca can be used as an all-natural supplement in a powder form added during cooking. In small quantities, mostly as a seasoning.

    Maca or Peruvian ginseng stands for a biennial herbaceous plant of the cabbage family – Lepidium Meyenii Walp – with tuberous roots, reminiscent of the taste of carrots, potatoes in color, smell of a plump toffee.

    Maca grows in the highlands of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes, starting from a height of 3800-4500 meters above sea level, where poppy cultivation has a significant and reliable yield, while being only cultivated at this altitude plant.

    About 2000 years was poppy and food and medicine in the region of its habitat. On the one hand, this plant has such a high nutritional value, it is determined the permanent and continuous centuries of acceptance and use in the diet of the people living here. On the other hand, endurance and fitness of its plants survives through harsh conditions is reflected in its action on the body as an aphrodisiac, helping to increase strength, stamina, physical and mental activity of a sexually active man. Thanks to its libido-increasing properties Maca was used as a ritual, as well as for military purposes.

    Maca is mostly a tonic that provides a stimulating effect on a human body, increasing strength and endurance, increasing fertility without affecting the hormonal balance of the body. The main types of activities that Maca supplement can offer:

    • Tonic effect (without increasing blood pressure) by increasing the strength and endurance, as in
    • mental and physical overload, and promotes better stress tolerance;
    • Mild anabolic effect, contributing to the accumulation myoglobin into a muscle tissue, increasing muscle strength and physical endurance;
    • Helps strengthen detoxifying action, providing binding of toxins and carcinogens, which is important in conditions of poor environmental or insufficient neutralizing function of a liver;
    • Optimizes the clinical manifestations of different situations hormonal imbalance, because sensitivity increases receptors to the existing level of sex hormones;
    • Acts as an aphrodisiac by stimulating sexual function, increases libido, thrill, erection (at a reduced potency) and contributed to the reduction of refractory pause (time between erections), restore a regular sex life;
    • Improved function of sperm that helps to solve different aspects of the problem of male infertility;
    • In women, Maca promotes the maturation of the ovulated egg.

    The studies of Maca effects on male volunteers have shown that the long term (10-12 weeks) increases the amount of use of Maca-generated sperm that improves its physical and chemical characteristics. This herb contributes to an increase of sperm quantitative and qualitative improvement of their characteristics (mobility). This positive effect on spermatogenesis occurred without affecting the original hormone levels: FSH, luteinizing pituitary hormones, prolactin, testosterone and estradiol remained unchanged. These studies used the dose of Maca per day 1500-3000 mg and in this range the effect was not dose-dependent. For the normalization of spermatogenesis in the case of male infertility application of Maca lasted from 6 months. In other applications, the course of Maca may be shorter. For example, in a situation of low libido in men and women and low potency in males the effect observed after 6 days.

    Indications for use of Maca can be:

    • weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased immunity, frequent colds;
    • futility, menstrual irregularities;
    • impotence;
    • arrhythmia;
    • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • depression, headaches, poor concentration and poor memory.


    yohimbineAnother good alternative to Viagra is yohimbine. This alkaloid plant with stimulant properties, which is obtained from a plant Yohimbe, native to Central Africa. It is in those places it is used as an aphrodisiac. It enhances the flow of blood, arouses sexual desire and has a beneficial effect on the libido. Today it is also used by bodybuilders for weight loss and muscle drying. However, doctors warn that there are side effects such as nausea and increased anxiety. It is therefore important to take this remedy in small doses, not exceeding 14 milligrams. Then it is safe and positive effect on the libido.

    Yohimbine is a biologically active compound derived from the bark of an evergreen tree Yohimbe. The substance has a fat-burning and anti-depressive properties, but also significantly enhances libido of males.

    The original purpose of this supplement is the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), as well as improving the quality and saturation of a sexual intercourse, which could occur due to medications for depression, called as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Also due to the inhibition of monoamine oxidase it is observed a pronounced antidepressant and stimulant effect.

    Another explanation for this action is given yohimbine its ability to bind to beta-adrenergic receptors.  In addition, the substance increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and may lead to an increase in nor-adrenaline and adrenaline in bloodstream. About yohimbine was conducted a lot of researches and they were used during the very large dosage. There was no observed occurrence of serious side effects. Conversely, the researchers found the significant improvement in physical and mental state of subjects. It was also found that the activity of substances is reduced when using food rich in fats.

    Note, however, that this effect is observed at low doses, not exceeding one milligram. Otherwise there is the risk of feeling anxiety during dreaming. Especially effective is the drug affects the libido, which in its time has proven the scientific work carried out in 1989. It was attended by the subjects that have expressed a degree of erectile dysfunction, as well as those who have erection completely absent. Each of them had been previously tested for testosterone and prolactin, as well as the examination was aimed at identifying any abnormalities of the penis blood flow. In the course of the study (which lasted a month) were used very impressive dosage – to forty milligrams per day.

    As a result, the following results were obtained: 14% of patients using Yohimbine reported a complete return of erectile dysfunction, 20% – a partial response to therapy, and the remaining 65% did not report having any effect and positive dynamics. A more pronounced results were shown in the appointment of yohimbine. for the treatment of psychogenic impotence. In that case, the percentage of positive results was as much as 71%. At first glance, this result of research may not seem the most iridescent. Yet, if we compare with the results of studies of other drugs, the effectiveness of which is in serious doubt – we can say that yohimbine is an effective medication, of which therapeutic properties are fully confirmed. Among the negative aspects it can be noted only that the substance is fully manifested its potential only bordering with serious side effects dosages.

    Kava Pepper

    kava-kava-rootKava Pepper is a leafy shrub from Piperaceae pepper family. It also has the name “intoxicating pepper”. It reaches 2-5 meters in height. The plant with a massive and heavy rhizome mainly applied when using pepper for all kinds of drugs. The leaves are heart-shaped ones.

    Kava originates from Polynesia and Micronesia. Today the plant is spread on the territory of many Pacific islands. Kava Pepper provides the calming effect.

    Kava is not only a means for the treatment of anxiety, but also an effective means to improve the quality of sex. At the same time, curiously enough, in and of itself is not an aphrodisiac. But it has a calming effect, relieves stress, helps to ensure that relaxes tense muscles, diminishes anxiety and nervous tension. That is why kava pepper is an ingredient of multiple aphrodisiac supplements. However, it is not so simple – it should be remembered that sometimes Kava can cause hallucinations. By the way, before experts from Sydney found that St. John’s wort may be one of the most effective aphrodisiacs for women along with Kava Pepper.

    Kava  is considered one of the oldest plants known to men. More prominent emotional experiences, reduced physical pain and good mood – there are the main properties of Kava Pepper. This drink has become a viable alternative to alcohol, the existence of which the natives have learned only in the XVIII century with the arrival of the Europeans to the Pacific Islands. Today, Kava is mostly added into a refreshing drink that replaces the familiar drinks – coffee and tea. The modern western herbal medicine leverages the properties of kava to eliminate nervousness, mental imbalance, normalization of sleep, as well as enhance sexual libido.

    In general this is a good antidepressant effect of which lasts an average of 3 to 8 hours. Reviews of people who have the use of intoxicating pepper, indicate that the effect of the reception can take up to two days. The main advantage of Kava is considered to be no loss of mental clarity, and even, on the contrary, improve concentration and focus. After the reception there is a slight numbness, stomach, lips and tongue, and only then comes the state of calm, relaxation and a certain degree of happiness. It is important to remember the strength of the drink as a strong kava causes deep sleep, which, unlike the intoxication is not accompanied by side effects after waking. Today, Kava is available to everyone at an attractive price.

    The main properties of Kava Pepper:

    • Such nutrients as flavonoids, starch and gum provide the high tonic properties on a body;
    • Extract of Kava has significant sedative properties;
    • The plant has strong hallucinogenic properties;
    • In medical science, kava used as additives to sleeping pills due to its hypnotic property;
    • Kava Pepper is used along with Viagra to increase libido and sexual desire in healthy men and men with erectile dysfunction.

    As for the application, you need to take 5-10 grams of ground root of Kava, about a tablespoon or a little less, and to cook the traditional method, which is described in the video with the obligatory pushups and form an emulsion.

    As you can see, Viagra can be supplemented with many all-natural medical preparations offered at Canadian Pharmacy. Try them all to find the best combination for improving your sexual life in a safe and long-term way.

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